As an avid reader, it can be hard to branch out from your typical reading genre. I've been stuck in a YA phase for quite some time and though I do still really love those books, I sometimes feel like I need to read something else. To experience other writing that will help me grow as a reader and writer.
That's why I signed up for the 2015 Classics Challenge and why I'm starting this new section on my blog: a section that will highlight several Persephone Books.
So I'm challenge myself to read at least 10 books this year that have been published by Persephone. I'll read it and answer the same questions about different books. Persephone aims to publish books that highlight under appreciated female writers from the 20th century. Did the book succeed? Was it fun to read? What did I learn? I want to take all you readers on this journey with me as I slowly start to branch out from the mainstream YA books.
If any other bloggers would like to join, please let me know and we can decide on book together or just discuss them together!